Discover the compartment modelΒΆ
The models presented in this chapter are fundamentally different from all the other models in this book. This class of model does not aim at computing positions and velocities, but rather at describing the evolution of total amounts of people in specified compartments. The compartments shall be identified to nodes of a network, those nodes are connected by edges, which corresponds to paths between nodes.
Reference : [MF2018] Chapter 6.
A compartment model example can be found in the directory
and can be run with:
python3 --json input.json
Compartment model : evacuation
# Authors:
# Sylvain Faure <>
# Bertrand Maury <>
# cromosim/examples/compartments/
# python --json input.json
# License: GPL
import sys, os
from cromosim import *
from cromosim.comp import *
from optparse import OptionParser
import json
python3 --json input.json
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] filename",version="%prog 1.0")
action="store",help="Input json filename")
opt, remainder = parser.parse_args()
print("===> JSON filename = ",opt.jsonfilename)
with open(opt.jsonfilename) as json_file:
input = json.load(json_file)
Get parameters from json file :
name: string
Domain name
prefix: string
Folder name to store the results
background: string
Image file used as background
px: float
Pixel size in meters (also called space step)
width: integer
Domain width (equal to the width of the background image)
height: integer
Domain height (equal to the height of the background image)
wall_lines : list of numpy arrays
Polylines used to build walls, [ [[x0,x1,x2,...],[y0,y1,y2,...]],... ]
wall_ellipses : list of numpy arrays
Ellipses used to build walls, [ [x_center,y_center, width, height, \
angle_in_degrees_anti-clockwise],... ]
wall_polygons : list of numpy arrays
Polygons used to build walls, [ [[x0,x1,x2,...],[y0,y1,y2,...]],... ]
door_lines: list of numpy arrays
Polylines used to build doors, [ [[x0,x1,x2,...],[y0,y1,y2,...]],... ]
seed: integer
Random seed which can be used to reproduce a random selection if >0
Np_rooms: integer
Number of persons per rooms
area : float
name = input["name"]
prefix = input["prefix"]
if not os.path.exists(prefix):
background = input["background"]
px = input["px"]
width = input["width"]
height = input["height"]
wall_lines = input["wall_lines"]
wall_ellipses = input["wall_ellipses"]
wall_polygons = input["wall_polygons"]
door_lines = input["door_lines"]
seed = input["seed"]
Np_rooms = input["Np_rooms"]
area = input["area"]
RoomNames = input["RoomNames"]
Np_rooms = sp.array(input["Np_rooms"])
RoomInlets = input["RoomInlets"]
TravelTimeWeights = input["TravelTimeWeights"]
DoorCenters = sp.array(input["DoorCenters"])
RoomCenters = sp.array(input["RoomCenters"])
CircAngles = sp.array(input["CircAngles"])
DoorRoomCapacity = input["DoorRoomCapacity"]
Nsecondes = input["Nsecondes"]
print("===> Number of persons per rooms : ",Np_rooms)
Np = 0
for n in Np_rooms:
Np += n
print("===> Number of persons : ",Np)
Nrooms = len(RoomNames)
print("===> Number of rooms : ",Nrooms)
print("===> Capacity of each exit door : ",DoorRoomCapacity)
Build the Domain
## To create an Domain object
if (background==""):
dom = Domain(name=name, pixel_size=px, width=width, height=height)
dom = Domain(name=name, background=background, pixel_size=px)
## To add lines : Line2D(xdata, ydata, linewidth)
for xy in wall_lines:
line = Line2D( xy[0],xy[1], linewidth=1)
## To add ellipses : Ellipse( (x_center,y_center), width, height,
## angle_in_degrees_anti-clockwise )
for e in wall_ellipses:
ellipse = Ellipse( (e[0], e[1]), e[2], e[3], e[4])
## To add polygons : Polygon( xy )
for p in wall_polygons:
polygon = Polygon(p)
## To add doors :
for xy in door_lines:
line = Line2D( xy[0],xy[1], linewidth=1)
## To build the domain : background + shapes
## To compute the distance to the walls
## To compute the desired velocity
## To show the domain dimensions
print("===> Domain : ",dom)
print("===> Wall lines : ",wall_lines)
print("===> Door lines : ",door_lines)
## Maximal number of inlets for a room
NiorMax = 0
## Number of inlets for each room
Nior = []
for ri in RoomInlets:
NiorMax = max(NiorMax,len(ri))
print("===> Maximal number of inlets for a room : ",NiorMax)
print("===> Number of inlets for each room : ",Nior)
## Room numbers associate to the inlets for each room
List_iOr = sp.zeros([Nrooms,NiorMax],dtype=int)
for i,ri in enumerate(RoomInlets):
List_iOr[i,:len(ri)] = ri
#print("===> Room numbers associate to the inlets for each room",List_iOr)
## Compute travel times :
T_iOr = sp.zeros([Nrooms,NiorMax],dtype=int)
for ir in sp.arange(Nrooms):
for i in sp.arange(Nior[ir]):
jr = List_iOr[ir,i]
ij_exit = sp.rint(DoorCenters[ir,:2]/px).astype(int)
ij_entrance = sp.rint(DoorCenters[jr,:2]/px).astype(int)
T_iOr[ir,i] = sp.ceil( \[ij_entrance[1],ij_entrance[0]] - \[ij_exit[1],ij_exit[0]] )
T_iOr[ir,i] = TravelTimeWeights[ir][i]*T_iOr[ir,i]
print("Travel times : ",T_iOr)
NPrir = sp.zeros([Nrooms,NiorMax])
## Number of persons for each room
NPir = sp.zeros([Nsecondes , Nrooms])
NPir[0,:] = Np_rooms
## Number of persons who's waiting to leave each room
NPwir = sp.zeros([Nsecondes , Nrooms])
## Nrooms of persons upstream the exit
Flux = sp.zeros([Nsecondes , Nrooms])
print("--> NPir at t=0 : ",NPir[0,:].sum())
plot_compt(5, RoomNames, RoomCenters, DoorCenters, CircAngles, NPir[it,:],
NPrir, NPwir[it,:], Nior, List_iOr, dom, area, savefig=True,
title='time = '+str(it)+' s')
for it in sp.arange(1,Nsecondes):
Flux,NPir,NPwir,NPrir = iteration(it, Nrooms, DoorRoomCapacity, NPir, NPrir,
NPwir, Nior, List_iOr, T_iOr, Flux)
print("---------> it = ",it)
#print("--> Flux : ",Flux)
print("--> NPir : ",NPir[it,:])
#print("--> NPwir : ",NPwir[it,:])
#print("--> NPrir : ",NPrir)
plot_compt(5, RoomNames, RoomCenters, DoorCenters, CircAngles, NPir[it,:],
NPrir, NPwir[it,:], Nior, List_iOr, dom, area, savefig=True,
title='time = '+str(it)+' s')